“Being a small team, we needed [our UK Year of Service member] to be someone who is dedicated, passionate and a leader, all of which she has shown up for. She is the point person to most of our youth community, and continues to be a role model for them everyday. If it wasn't clear, we love [her], hence why she is staying on with us after her internship.”

Force of Nature

A small climate action organisation

[This member] is in his third year at City Year now, having served as a Mentor (VM) over two Covid impacted years. He took on leadership for running City Year Football Club at the start of the year,which grew as the year progressed to weekly Thursday night matches attended by 15 people. To make this more impressive, these Thursday nights could often be at 9.30pm in December. They would include volunteers and alumni from three different cohorts, dating back to 2019, and current serving members from four different teams. It is not just a case of turning up on the night and hoping for the best. It requires the energy and enthusiasm of a leader at the top to make it a success, as well as constant nagging and last minute calls.The team was the start of the development of a small community at City Year who’s friendship has grown throughout the year. It led to two holidays, Barcelona and Dubrovnik, that [he] was instrumental in organising, again featuring volunteers from four different teams - a first for West Midlands CY.A year at City Year is tough, but having something to look forward to each week (the football) and the end of the term (the holidays) can help make things that little bit more bearable, particularly during the dark winter months. When we say our goodbyes in July, as well as all the work that we did in school with the students, it is this spirit that will leave a smile on our faces.

City Year

During her traineeship [this member], has been determined to champion for everyone to feel welcome and engaged in nature based activities. For example, [the member] worked in partnership with Manchester Deaf Centre to learn basic sign language so that she could communicate with deaf volunteers. [The member] has also inspired others to think more about creating welcoming spaces and project activities that are proactively celebrating everyone. [The member] organised a 'Pride in Nature' event at the Manchester Festival of Nature to support the LGBTQ+ community to feel celebrated and welcome in public spaces and events. [The member] independently contacted partner organisation to engage the LGBTQ+ community in the event and showcased how events can be more inclusive and welcoming to marginalised groups.


[This member] has engaged with various areas of the community with her infectious enthusiasm. [She] has been involved in the delivery of cricket to schools, cricket clubs and Cornwall Cricket centre.[Her] key deliverables have been enthusing children (with a particular focus on girls) by delivering cricket programmes. [She] has delivered cricket in schools (school time and after school clubs), ECB National programmes (focused within low socioeconomic areas), 1:1 coaching and holiday camps at various locations. [She] also initiated and completed her project to get more women and girls involved in cricket - with focus on women and girls who're already involved in other sports - which has been a huge success.[Her] enthusiasm and knowledge of the game has made a powerful impact on getting more children(with a particular focus on girls) involved in cricket. As a Cornwall Cricket Women's team player,[she] is a fantastic role model for children to look up and aspire towards. [Her] project to get more women and girls involved in cricket - with focus on women and girls who're already involved in other sports - has shown that women and girls are now actively involved in cricket as a direct result.

Cornwall Cricket Club

“I would recommend any other business to seriously think about hiring throughthe UK Year of Service/Kickstart programme. We have now employed 3 young people through theprogram and have never had anything but praise from our clients.”

Express Coaching Services

“Being a small team, we needed [our UK Year of Service member] to be someone who is dedicated, passionate and a leader, all of which she hasshown up for. She is the point person to most of our youth community, and continues to be a rolemodel for them everyday. If it wasn't clear, we love [her], hence why she is staying on with us afterher internship.”

Force of Nature

A small climate action organisation

[This member] has engaged with various areas of the community with her infectious enthusiasm. [She] has been involved in the delivery of cricket to schools, cricket clubs and Cornwall Cricket centre.[Her] key deliverables have been enthusing children (with a particular focus on girls) by delivering cricket programmes. [She] has delivered cricket in schools (school time and after school clubs), ECB National programmes (focused within low socioeconomic areas), 1:1 coaching and holiday camps at various locations. [She] also initiated and completed her project to get more women and girls involved in cricket - with focus on women and girls who're already involved in other sports - which has been a huge success.[Her] enthusiasm and knowledge of the game has made a powerful impact on getting more children(with a particular focus on girls) involved in cricket. As a Cornwall Cricket Women's team player,[she] is a fantastic role model for children to look up and aspire towards. [Her] project to get more women and girls involved in cricket - with focus on women and girls who're already involved in other sports - has shown that women and girls are now actively involved in cricket as a direct result.

Space Youth Project

[Our two members] have worked on a number of School and Community activities delivering Wheelchair Sports, highlighting Disability and Inclusive Activities. Not just through Wheelchair Basketball, but other Disability Sports too such as WC Chair Skills, Wc Tennis, Wc Tag Rugby and Wc Archery. [One of them] will be supporting us as we deliver on the Basketball & Wheelchair Basketball FAN ZONE in Birmingham at the Commonwealth Games 2022. Coaching and Refereeing participation Games for the public.[They have both] demonstrated notable leadership skills and improved qualities through their effective teamwork and collaboration by taking on the roles of Community Basketball Coaches with the Local Basketball Club working with U12 Boys and Girls Where they have worked together with two teams (A & B) throughout the Basketball Season. Both also continue to do so out of season. [They] have developed tremendously over their time spent with us. When they first started they were very raw, but as time moved on working along side our full time members of staff they learning& developing the art of teaching. This along side community coaching helped them to link the two aspects together to enable them to develop Class & Behaviour Management, Lesson Planning and Delivery including the use of Vocabulary, Styles of Delivery, Q & A, Observation Skills to improve their ability to use Praise, Correction & Reinforcement of Skills being taught.They have both improved so much over this time, we have offered [them both] full time positions in the company. [One] has accepted this offer & [the other] will be working part-time before going to University to pursue a teaching career.I would recommend any other business to seriously think about hiring through the UK Year of Service/Kickstart programme. We have now employed 3 young people through the program and have never had anything but praise from our clients.

Express Coaching Services

[This member] is in his third year at City Year now, having served as a Mentor (VM) over two Covid impacted years. He took on leadership for running City Year Football Club at the start of the year, which grew as the year progressed to weekly Thursday night matches attended by 15 people. To make this more impressive, these Thursday nights could often be at 9.30pm in December. They would include volunteers and alumni from three different cohorts, dating back to 2019, and current serving members from four different teams. It is not just a case of turning up on the night and hoping for the best. It requires the energy and enthusiasm of a leader at the top to make it a success, as well as constant nagging and last minute calls. The team was the start of the development of a small community at City Year who’s friendship has grown throughout the year. It led to two holidays, Barcelona and Dubrovnik, that [he] was instrumental in organising, again featuring volunteers from four different teams - a first for WestMidlands CY.A year at City Year is tough, but having something to look forward to each week (the football) andthe end of the term (the holidays) can help make things that little bit more bearable, particularly during the dark winter months.When we say our goodbyes in July, as well as all the work that we did in school with the students, it is this spirit that will leave a smile on our faces.


[This member] has engaged with various areas of the community with her infectious enthusiasm.[She] has been involved in the delivery of cricket to schools, cricket clubs and Cornwall Cricketcentre.[Her] key deliverables have been enthusing children (with a particular focus on girls) by deliveringcricket programmes. [She] has delivered cricket in schools (school time and after school clubs), ECBNational programmes (focused within low socioeconomic areas), 1:1 coaching and holiday camps atvarious locations. [She] also initiated and completed her project to get more women and girlsinvolved in cricket - with focus on women and girls who're already involved in other sports - whichhas been a huge success.[Her] enthusiasm and knowledge of the game has made a powerful impact on getting more children(with a particular focus on girls) involved in cricket. As a Cornwall Cricket Women's team player,[she] is a fantastic role model for children to look up and aspire towards. [Her] project to get morewomen and girls involved in cricket - with focus on women and girls who're already involved in othersports - has shown that women and girls are now actively involved in cricket as a direct result.

Cornwall Cricket Club